Sunday 21 August 2011

Be Yourself.

  You are the best individual and you must have believe in it, for if you don't no one else will. You live life for yourself and if you are not happy than what else is there. If you have hardihood to take a single step towards the right, that one equals the hundred years of thinking.
  If you have a idea(and you think it's good), mostly people will tell you it's not possible or definitely you'll get to face several of hurdles but you really have to take challenge, except of getting back. If you want to prove something in Life. Every step have a purpose and every path is an opportunity. The thing gives you credence is your own trust. We all have our own life to pursue and our own dreams, that everyone wishes to be true. Why not everyone succeed? 'It's Fear'. People say courage can't exist without fears, but in heart i does. Step ahead-fighting your fears.
  I had no interest in writing a blog but it was an idea for getting rid of boredom and lethargy. I was like a challenge to do the unwanted and a just-out thing for me. After writing my first blog i was very much applauded and praised, that this appreciation made me think of writing another.But, this was my case. Even if there is no encouragement and you feel isolated, it's nothing to be dishearten off, 'It may be near when it seems so far', again its up to us and our assessments.
  'Be Yourself, and to find Yourself, think of Yourself.'

Sunday 14 August 2011

Expect The Unexpected..

  Life is strange from its twists and turns, as everyone of us learns sometime. Accept the reality what you have got, not what wish it to be.
  Life is so unpredictable. You never know what is going to happen with you the next moment. May you lose something very special or may you get your plans failed. Each moment, each decision effects your life expectancy.
  When you get to experience totally unexpected, its hard to go through the situation or to believe it. But everything possesses a relieve and we have some people around who are helpful and supportive.
I'll share what happened with me,
  I was planned to have a flight to America with some of my best friends but as there's a proverb," Man proposes, God disposes".For some reasons i got delayed. It was totally unexpected. There was a lot of things planned to do but it seemed that a sand castle was destroyed by a strong tide of time. There were many things going through my mind but i didn't lose hope and gathered my self.
  This experience taught me that we should be strong enough to face the reality, whatever happens is written but luck counts. These are small tests and they are part of life which can't be trampled. A positive attitude can impact a plenty of good change.
                   Keep you face to the sun,                             You will never see the shadows. ~ Helen Keller.